Monday, November 24, 2008


Have you ever told yourself "Next time will be different. I will stay ahead next time and I wont let myself get behind"? I seem to tell myself this every time I get done with a big project and then by the next week I am behind again.
Why do we tell ourselves that we will change next time? Is that not a form of procrastination? I am so sick of being behind in classes, it affects my whole life. I feel that because I am behind I can not see friends, which hurts my relationships, which in turn makes me feel so alone, causing me to feel sorry for myself and moping about instead of doing my assignment. Then I find myself even farther behind:(
It has taken me several years to realize what I need to change. Instead of saying that next time will be different, I need to say this time will be different. I can change now, I do not have to wait for the next time to change.
What a difference this realization has made. So...I am going to change this time. I am going to finish what I need to early rather than wait for the last day.

1 comment:

Camy and Jimmy said...

MARIAH!!! you have a blog!!!!?!!! yippee! You are so right about the procrastination thing, the funny thing is, is that everyone realizes the problem but only about 10% actually change the problem of least in certain areas. ha and that includes me!
let me know if you get into that 10% of changed persons!
love ya